The Destroying Angel – Amanita viroides

NEVER eat this mushroom! Contains amatoxins which do not breakdown even when cooked. TOXIC.

All Amanita species emerge from an ‘egg’; and have a characteristic cup or technically a volva.  Dig carefully under the soil and you will find the egg remains.

Amanita viroicles - The Destroying Angel - Mushrush

Amanita viroides – The Destroying Angel – Mushrush

Amanita viroicles - The Destroying Angel - Poisonous mushroom. Mushrush

Amanita viroicles - The Destroying Angel - Mushrush

Gills of Amanita viroides – The Destroying Angel – Mushrush

'Egg' Volva of Amanita viroicles - The Destroying Angel - Mushrush

‘Egg’ Volva of Amanita viroides – The Destroying Angel – Mushrush